I'm looking around at all of the "clans" right now to see which best suits me.
PSN: MaRkEaTzNoObz
Age: 20
Location: Canada
Male/Female: Male
Games:CODMw2, Black ops, PCand PS3 BFBC etc
K/D: 1.43(due to friends on account -_-)
Rank:2nd prestige lvl 46 (missed first dxp)
Mic(headset): Yes
How did you know about us(if it a psot tell us from wich site you got it): callofduty.com
Why you want to be part of this clan: Hate playing TDM with noobs, that don't understand what it is, causing me to leave and have a bad WL ratio
how much would you be active on site?:Once or Twice a day, depending on how large the clan is.
Let's play.